2012 Spring Admission Guide for International Applicants at The Graduate Institute of Peace Studies – Kyung Hee University

- Peace and Global Governance
- Asia Pacific Studies
- New Politics and Future Governance
- A person whose nationality isn`t Korean and is a graduate or a graduate-to-be for a bachelor or master degree.
- Dormitory life during the academic semester is mandatory for all students.
** Our school only offers Master`s Degree Programs **
** There has been some Major change in requirements please refer to the following : Due to change of law, beginning from the 2012 Spring semester all international students who are accepted as a newcomer must have health insurance to cover their stay in Korea, the school will not cover this expense, If student wish to use the local health insurance in Korea the price is approximately $170 USD per year **
Scholarship and benefits
- Official academic language : English
- Full Scholarship for tuition and accommodation fee
- Free text books
- Other scholarship opportunities
- Separate Campus etc
(All official academic events, classes, examination are conducted in English)
Application deadline
- September 1st ~ October 31st for the Spring (March) Semester
- Applications with postal mark until the deadline will be accepted but still must physically arrive within one week after the deadline if not it will be not accepted.
Date of notification for admission
Before mid January 2012 for Spring semester
Required documents for application
Please, refer to the attached file (Admission Guideline for International Applicants-201109.pdf) Official Website
Admission fee
Contact information regarding admission
E-mail : [email protected]
Postal Address:
The Graduate Institute of Peace Studies,
Kyung Hee University 258-5 Bupyeong-ri,
Jinjeop-eup, Namyangju-si,
472-864 Korea
Tel: +82-31-570-7013
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